My Eccentric Thoughts.
Why emotions and feelings are so useless and worthless that anyone can easily hurt them? Why are humans so careless yet full of emotions that we don’t even pause to consider the impact of our actions before offending someone’s feelings? Why can’t we value our sentiments if they are the only valuable gift that has been given to us? The ability to feel is a sign of being human, but in this case, it also reveals the cold and gloomy side of humanity. We have never been taught to respect the most beautiful yet undervalued sensations, so even though we have no idea that our words might rip someone else’s heart apart, we nevertheless behave as if it’s acceptable to do so. It’s true to say that the most precious things in life are the simplest and unnoticeable things. Though feelings and emotions are among the best gifts that God has given us, blessed are those who know how to value them. The worst kind of people are those who are ignorant and manipulative of others' feelings those are the ones who are truly ungrateful for this gift.